Practitioners of Change

make your brand roar.

Taking Brands
In Courageous Directions

Hey Mount Vernon Ventures,

Here is the thing…

I would love to work with you.

Admittedly, it is a bit of an unusual request since I have had the opportunity to steward the branding for this Ventures, MVIFI, and the School. But the honest truth is I love this work.  

I would like to spend 60 minutes on a call, or in-person, with your leadership to hear more about your brand, your goals for the next year, and any challenges you might be facing. Granted, I know so much about the brand already, but I would like the opportunity to hear about it from a different vantage point. 

Not to be too presumptuous, but I would like to offer a sample agenda for the conversation.

60-Minute Agenda

20 Minutes – What are your Big 3 Goals this year?

30 Minutes – What challenges are you currently facing?

10 Minutes – How can Roar help?

At Mount Vernon Ventures, we are insatiably curious… As current practitioners in our respective areas of expertise, we explore, research, and expand our own capabilities in order to build capacity in others.

Possible Partnership

During our discovery work, we found a few opportunities that could lead to a strong partnership between Mount Vernon and Roar.

Brand Strategy

Our unique value proposition is centered around strategy. We believe that brands can leave growth and performance on the table when facing the ambiguity of changing markets. We take brands in courageous directions by connecting brand identity and marketing to business strategy. Specifically, we believe that Mount Vernon Ventures would benefit from our expertise in developing an automated sales funnel to lead clients from attraction, to inquiry, to sales, to upsell. We would like to design conversion methods that will increase revenue, decrease effort on your back-of-house team, and create brand loyalty.

Brand Marketing

We would like to explore creating a sustainable content strategy that would leverage your internal staff and our network of creatives. Also, we would like to become your go-to partner for marketing collateral including brochures, mailers, social graphics, event media, and presentation support. Lastly, as the team grows and the influence spreads, we see a need to create a Brand Standards Manual specifically for Mount Vernon Ventures to support a unified look among its consultants.

Brand Designers

We know that Mount Vernon Ventures will continue to create products, tools, and experiences. We would like to propose a few products which we see could be low-hanging fruit to create, ship, and bring in revenue.


Our X-Factor

Trust and Loyalty

Leaving Mount Vernon has been one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. The School has invested so much into my life and career. It would be an honor to continue to be trusted as a partner in the work that is being amplified beyond the walls of the School.

Efficiency and Focus

Having such deep knowledge of the brand I believe that the work we will produce together can be done more efficiently with nearly zero onboarding. My previous role required me to consistently put the mission of the School and its initiatives first. Mount Vernon Ventures rarely got my full focus. This partnership will allow our team to invest even deeper into the success of the Mount Vernon Ventures Brand.

On Creative Selection

Roar knows that the advancement of the work of Mount Vernon Ventures needs to be free of any historical baggage. Roar will commit to using only creatives who have never worked for Mount Vernon School.

Lets get started.

Like great stories the guide meets the hero once they decide to head out on their adventure.

We want to know where you are in your story and how we can help.

Fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you.

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